Earthmoving Machinery Vandal Covers
We provide custom-made total protection for your valued earthmoving equipment investments. With well over a decade delivering custom vandal covers for our clients, we’ve worked with most makes and models including Hitachi, Case, Komatsu and many more.
TRJ Engineering professionally design, manufacture and fit covers for all types of earthmoving equipment such as skid steers, back-hoes, graders and bulldozers. We also make smaller components such as fuel protection covers, safety handrails, rear camera covers, hydraulic oil covers, light and control covers and dipstick covers.

Earthmoving Machinery Demolition Guards
TRJ Engineering Group is Australia’s leading supplier of custom demolition guards. Owing to decades of experience, we can manufacture premium guards which protect machine operators from falling objects on demolition sites or in quarries.
Whether for a common make or model, or a custom solution, all our products are available for delivery or installed by our ticketed fitters at your site.